Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jump Jump...

So jumping rope doesn't sound like a lot of fun...trust me I know. Still tons of athletes jump rope in their training, because IT WORKS! Now I know this may not be possible to do in the comfort of your own home, so thanks to my HG email I came across this gadget. It's a Pink JumpSnap, The Ropeless Jump Rope! PLUS...it comes equipped with a calorie counter, DVD workouts, and hand weights. Yay! It's about $50.00, which sucks...but that's about the same price of some of those bogus wonder pills we buy so why not splurge on something good for you? It would be nice if we could be a size 2 by sitting on the couch eating cookies, but it just ain't so...dammit. Click the pic for more info!