Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Goodbye Blog Spot!

Hey y'all! They gave us our own blogs at endonline.com so now I'll be updating all my Skinny Jeans Tips and product finds, etc. on that. Here's the link...
I hope you continue to read the blog and listen to my show on 107.9 The End. I'm going to keep my Blogger account just in case, but for updated info go to the link above. Thank you!

Monday, June 9, 2008

In a can!!!

Yay! Our fav whipped cream is now in a can…which makes it so much easier to use! For the LITE Cool Whip…two tablespoons are only 15 calories and 1 gram of fat! Awesome with strawberries or any other fruit. See who says you can't have sweets when on a diet;) Pick it up at most grocery stores.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

add it up!

So how many times have you read something like this...if you are dieting you need X amount of calories per day...blah blah? Well the truth is every single person is different so why not find out what YOUR body needs so YOU can lose weight...
Click the link above and it will take you to SELF's Caloric Needs calculator. It tells you how many calories you need to take in to maintain your current weight. It also has other calculators that will help you on your weight loss quest as well. Good luck and eat up;)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cellulite BE GONE!

Have you ever gone into the dressing room at a department store (with the BRIGHT lighting and crappy mirrors) and then BAM! you get a glance of your ass in the mirror and all of a sudden you see cellulite and bumps you never knew you had? The worst feeling ever! Well obviously you freak! I don't know about you, but when that happened to me the first thing I did was run home and check my bootie in my own mirror and breathed a sigh of relief when it didn't resemble the awfulness I saw earlier. DAMN that fluorescent lighting haha! Either way, we all have a few dimples in the wrong cheeks that we would like to get rid of. News flash...it's called being a woman! Now I came across this the other day and I have yet to use it, BUT I do have tons of other products from Bliss that totally work so I do trust it. It's called the Bliss Slimulator. It massages away the appearance of cellulite. You use it daily in the shower with regular soap and that's it. Click the pic for more and it's only $22!

Monday, June 2, 2008


So have many times have you gone out to eat and ordered the guilt-free or light item on the menu like a good girl/boy? You think you're sticking to your diet and still enjoying a nice night out right? WRONG! A Baltimore news station decided to put these restaurants to the test. They sent the food to a lab for testing to see if the nutritional stats provided by the restaurants were in fact correct. They weren't. One entree claimed to have only 9 grams of fat, but it really contained 30!!! Another item that claimed to have less than 6 grams of fat and only 500 calories actually had over 1,000 calories and almost 50 grams of fat!!! This is absurd! Hungry Girl (one of my fav sites) did a whole write up on this and you can read it here. For more on the restaurants click here. You can also click pic above for even MORE info.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Behold! The answer to our prayers. The Cass & Co. Invisibellas wear repair shaper! Wearing these shorts actually enhances skin's tone and texture as it smoothes bulges, slims your tummy, and lift's your BUTT! It'll cost ya though. They run for $68 at Bliss. Click the pic for more. Also I have yet to try these but I am thinking about it;)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hey Baby!

Hungry Girl went gaga for these and I can see why! They are so good!!! I picked up the mixed berries package (since that was the one suggested) and I couldn't stop eating them haha! BABY FOOD! 1/4 cup of these is only 30 calories, 0g fat, and for WW's 1 POINT! That's it! Perfect little snack:) You can pick them up in the baby food aisle.