Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cellulite BE GONE!

Have you ever gone into the dressing room at a department store (with the BRIGHT lighting and crappy mirrors) and then BAM! you get a glance of your ass in the mirror and all of a sudden you see cellulite and bumps you never knew you had? The worst feeling ever! Well obviously you freak! I don't know about you, but when that happened to me the first thing I did was run home and check my bootie in my own mirror and breathed a sigh of relief when it didn't resemble the awfulness I saw earlier. DAMN that fluorescent lighting haha! Either way, we all have a few dimples in the wrong cheeks that we would like to get rid of. News flash...it's called being a woman! Now I came across this the other day and I have yet to use it, BUT I do have tons of other products from Bliss that totally work so I do trust it. It's called the Bliss Slimulator. It massages away the appearance of cellulite. You use it daily in the shower with regular soap and that's it. Click the pic for more and it's only $22!